22 May 2006

Well it's that time again

Due to demand of my many readers I am taking a much earned rest!!!
I'm sorry but its true, Mrs Spook and I are going to the land of the free, to soak up some sunshine, get a bit rusty in the rain and see some very dear friends.
Apart from maybe a "Letter from America" (if they will allow me the priviledge) the blog will be left to vegetate for about 2 and a half weeks. I know my readers will be gutted at this but there you go.
But watch out for some stunning photographs when we get back, well I think the're stunning and that is the important bit, you are free to make up your own mind when you see them.


Anonymous said...

Have fun in America. Bet you won't find anywhere as nice as Chesterton :)

spook said...

In many ways I agree,but Niagra does take a bit of beating. The dear old Cam is a bit tame and the chance to drive through New Hampshire, Vermont, New York State and Ohio is not to be sniffed at.
It's almost like home from home with places like Huntingdon,Cambridge,Milton,
Lincoln even Worchester to visit. See you all soon