30 June 2006

Has summer arrived at last?

Well it's Friday and the sun is shining, don't know how long it is going to last (haven't seen the weekend forcast yet). but never the less make hay while the sun shines as they say.
Just about recovered from the USA trip, but went to Scotland just to re-adjust, well thats my excuse anyway.
Are there any golfers out there? I know someone who would like to meet up to see where to start.
Just leave a posting on here and I'll pass on the message.

24 June 2006

The promised Photo

The old spook did say that a photo fron Maine would appear on the site and here it is.While we all agree that Chesterton is a nice pleasant place to live I really don't think that the river Cam could produce a photo that matches this scene, not unless you allow grotty old house boats that is.

10 June 2006

We made it back, turned right at Nova Scotia

Well despite the well laid plans we got back. Horrific thunderstorms,whales,and boat trips as well as 1500 miles of driving. You could say we had a great time. Although we love living in Chesterton, there are times when other places and vast houses do seem attractive.Even more so when there is a lovely convertable to drive about in. But, we are back and looking forward to lots of comments on our blog site but that is down to you my faithfull readers.