14 November 2008

I knew it!

Two new enties on the blog and no one has even noticed. Why do I bother, why? because I enjoy it. Come on, someone at least write something. Even if it just says my comments are rubbish.
The cat got away with the cream.

17 October 2008

Hot Air

Wow, the wunderkind are now going to reduce pollution by 80 %, and signing a legally binding document to boot, so when they fail they will be handing over more millions of our money to the EU.

(Always assuming the banks recover and pay back tax money used to bail them out).

Does that mean they are going to abandon our government? Lets face it there is more hot air comes out of Westminster than any other source in the UK. Get rid of that and our emissions would go down 75% at a stroke.

Do these muppets really believe they can achive this. Given that they are approving expansion at airports amongst other things.

Looking at their past achievements I guess they will just use that as an excuse to raise our taxes even higher

15 October 2008

Still awake?

Long time since last post, but as very few ever bothered to read it I thought a long break might work!

I see the nutters that run our council are now considering closing off Mill Road.

Hows this for a theory..... Block off Mill road, nowhere for lorries doing deliveries to turn round. End of business in said road, including the new Tesco's!!!! Artics need a lot of space to turn round so no access to Tesco. Who said local councillors aren't devious.
It seems a pity that having caused total chaos throughout this city with traffic lights, closed roads or making them narrow so that buses can run on time (joke of the day) They are now considering further road closures.
Where do they think traffic is going to go? Newmarket, Ely,B-S-Edmunds, St Neots. At the rate that bus fares and parking charges go up in this city I think we should just close Cambridge down and leave it to the tourists who are stupid enough to pay these silly prices.

I would suggest that they go and do what this guys does...bury their nuts in a big hole somewhere. Trouble is the EU would then put up the landfill charge for throwing away too much rubbish.