17 March 2006

Its that time of year again

I guess just like us, you have received the latest demand for money from our local authorities. While we all agree that services have to be paid for, but when you look at the unbelievable degree of waste and wasted money that our councils spend, you should start to think "hang on there baby" why?
Have you ever asked a a local polition why such and such is being done in our city? If you do, I bet most of the time the answer would be "well its not us, its the county council/goverment" or any other excuse that springs to mind at the time. If its not the city council then why do we have one? Save money and just have one council to run the entire county. Look at the mess South Cambs have got themselves into and who is going to pay for it? There is only one answer and it aint difficult to figure it out.
Any thoughts contact the Spook, thats what I'm here for

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