23 March 2006

Its spooky - I've cracked it

After all these years I have now realised that all it takes to be a a member of parliament is the ability to stand up in the the house, spout on for over an hour and says absolutely nothing other than promise to rip off a few more tax payers.

As usual old "Prudence" has got it wrong! He is going to increase the excise duty on the good old Chelsea Tractor. Big deal, but has he not realised that there are two different beasts lurking under the same skin. The truth is the difference between the V8 4.2 Range Rover and the TDV6 are as different as chalk and cheese. This applies to other models not just the ones mentioned

I had the dubious pleasure of taking two of the new Landrover sport vehicles to Glasgow several weeks ago. The first week it was the V8 4.2 and used over £140 pounds of petrol, yet two weeks later I took the oil burner TDV6 on an almost identical trip, drove it exactly the same way and arrived with over half a tank of fuel left. Yet under Prudence's plan the owners of both will have to pay the increased duty, WHY?

Don't get me wrong I am not a supporter of these vehicles. Using a small bus to take the kids half a mile to school is totally ludicrus.

Another consideration is that if you can afford £72000 to by one of these things, a extra few quid on the duty will achive absolutely nothing, except raise of few more bob for him to waste on some other pet project.

What about the pensioners? It never ceases to confuse me how quickly you forget. Only very recently He gave you a 75p rise in your pension, yet given the promise of jam tomorrow, you all vote for them again!

We all complain about rent rises, where do they come from? Not your landlord, but by direct instruction of the office of the deputy prime minister, Johnny 2 Jags, to the National Housing Federation. Who, when told to jump ask "How High". Never why!

With the number of stealth taxes introduced by this government I am suprised anyone can afford to live.

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