14 October 2006

With all this "PC" crap going on how long before the ENGLISH people of country becomes totally BNP.
It seems a pity that the "Do Gooders" of this country seem determind to make all of us "English" become nothings. We are not allowed to be patrotic (might offened someone), cant wear religious sysmbols,(ditto) Dont fly the St George's flag and so it goes on and on. What are your thoughts. let me know!
Parents are not allowed to control their kids, the source of a lot of our anti social problems. The police can't do anything either, their hands are tied with laws that say they can't do this that or the other and the Yobs know it, even very young kids know it.
When are we going to wake up and start telling our "do gooders" where to get off and take control of our country again. Enough is enough!
There are a bunch of crooks (sorry, legal profesionals) out there making a fortune out of litigation and our judges are so out of touch as to make our legal system a joke. A bit like our political leaders really.
Never mind, if we are unable get it right after a thousand years of history, the EU will tell us how it should be done. That is unless you happen to be French,German,Spanish or any of the other member states. If they don't like it they ignore it. Unlike our lot that accept everything and then add to it.
That is my rant for this week, will be interested to see your comments on this one!


Anonymous said...

Well Spook, where to start?

First off you could define what you mean by "English" ie. is this definitley meant to exclude the rest of Britain? Do you define the "English" as those born here or who have lived here for a certain amount of time or those who consider themselves English or those who are white?

I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say that the do gooders do not allow 'us' to wear religious symbols. Are you referring to the air steward who had to remove her cross? If so how is this different to the controversy over Muslim women being asked to remove their veils? If both are "English" then both are being discriminated against.

As for parents not being 'allowed' to control their kids.. I can't say because I'm not a parent but I read this very interesting post from a copper was called out by the parents of a 12yr old girl who said she was missing. He spoke to the parents who were no help so then he went the 800 yards down the road to the school and found her there. When he told the parents that they could have found her themselves he was informed that it was HIS responsibility. I would include the link but I can't find it now, sorry.

As for taking control of our country: we are a democracy and even if the choice of political parties is unattractive we CAN still choose. I admit it is not always easy to get the powers that be to pay attention but don't disregard the influence self-interested media who push their own agendas whilst purporting to represent the public

Anyway, tell me more about what you mean, i'm interested to know.

spook said...

There are several ways of interpreting what I said. Do gooders? You cant do this that and the other dont smack children, reason with them! Try that in a shop with a kid screaming it's head off because you wont buy what ever it wants on that particular day.
With all the rules and regulations regarding parental control and kids. Parents are left in a quandry as to how to control their children. Not allowed to smack them if they misbehave. Never did me or my kids any harm and I lost count how many times I got the cane at school. I turned out quite normal, (I think). I have never committed a crime and used my upbringing as an excuse, as happens so often these days I would be the first to admit that unfortunatly there are a lot that don't care as long as they (the Kids) are not under their (the Parents) feet.
With regards to the "English" question, there are many different English people from many parts of the world. So I do not just mean white english.
There is nevertheless the problem of living as a community, all lot of "English" people don't want to be English. Hence large groups of people who live in areas where the shops are not English even railway station signs are in another lanquage.
We are ruled by Scots but we have no say in how they run their country, we just supply the money!
Let us have our own government and pass laws relevant to us. Take back control of our country from Europe and have done with it. A COMMON MARKET was a great idea that I have always supported. A United States of Europe with no control over what we do, NO WAY.
Discrimination should not be used, ever. but it is all the time.
People renting houses are discrimated against. If you are a "keyworker" you get houses built for you because you can't afford to buy one,(oh dear what a shame). What about the real key workers, porters, nursing "support" staff, cleaners and so on. They earn very small wages and will never ever be able to buy a home, not even shared ownership. Yet our leaders have decreed that all rents are to be equal and are artificially forcing up rents towards private levels without consideration as to wether the normal man or woman in the street can afford it.
Never mind, you can claim benefit, earn a few quid too much to claim. tough! but your rent will still go up.
More from government Oh! and we will also force councils to continually increase the coucil tax to pay for our crackpot ideas. If you can't pay you can always go without food or go to prison or whatever.
What a prospect.

Anonymous said...

On a lighter note - is being 'English' eating SWISS muesli for breakfast, putting washing in a GERMAN washing machine, driving in a RUSSIAN car, holidaying just about ANYWHERE, having a CHINESE/INDIAN/THAI takeway, watching an AMERICAN programme on a JAPANESE television?

spook said...

I'm glad I am not the only "TOG" on here. Terry Wogan came up with that last week, but it has been around for years.
The sad thing is the as we the "Brits" have so little manufacturing left that we have to use products from around the world. Even morre sad is the fact that what is made here the company is almost certainly owned by some large overseas organisation.
Add to that Electricity,water and gas what have we got left?

Anonymous said...
