This postal problem seems to be getting right up striders nose. but I have to ask just how many people in Inverness Close have got this problem?
Have you done a survey of the tenants in the close to see just how many are getting mail that should be going to Freeman house?
Surely once that number is known, the Tenants Association can take it up and take the problem to HHS. They (HHS) never seem to do anything until there is a big hooly about it. So may I suggest that you do a bit of research, see what house numbers are affected and pass it on to the TA.
There has to be an answer, even if it means banging a few heads together somewhere along the line.
It is not my responsability to carry out a survey.
As for the TA doing anything surely they have eyes and ears. Don't they have a contact at HHS? who have had and are receiving complaints I will however give them a start....Talk to Dave, Chris, Maud, Alma, Mary,and Fortuna
However I will approach the TA on Monday as I have other concerns ie.
street furniture and the state of the pavements. (let's see how far I get)
Yep you got me going, good one spooked.
So nobody on the TA or those at HHS
read these blog's...I do not believe it, do you?
I was at Freeman House the other day, going in Elmfield entrance to visit my mum - not my usual way in, usually come in via Inverness close. I noticed that postie had been but not 100% sure if the letter I noticed for inverness close was left by postie on top of tenants post boxes or had been taken out of tenants box and left on top of post boxes for postie to deliver to correct address - as no instructions left on envelope etc. hope your managing to follow so far? Told my mum of the letter but as she seemed unsure about it all I decided myself to collect the letter and deliver to the correct address in Inverness close, seemed it could be important vehicle insurance docs.The letter was clearly addressed with a name/ house number/ and Inverness Close - no where did it say 'Freeman House' Inverness Close etc. just Inverness close, so unsure how postie seemed to think it should of gone into Freeman House?? What I am puzzled about - and this is only summizing that the letter was placed into the tenants post box - if the letter was actually in the tenants post box corresponding flat number to the Inverness address - if you get my drift - then why did not the tenant just pop over to Inverness close and post it into the rightful owners letterbox or knock on their door to say what had happened? Not sure how long it had been on top of the post boxes either - as mum wasn't sure of that either.
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