29 May 2010

Come on some one!

I get the feeling that the idea of free speech has vanished forever!!!
There has not been a response to any of my ramblings for so long I just might go back to sleep for another couple of years.
But further to an earlier entry, I have now come to the conclusion that the Freeman House complex is actually part of the new Chesterton millionairs row. They even get their very own set of traffic lights. how posh!
Going back to the original meeting held for residents in the immediate locale to Freeman House I seem to remember one of the "EXPERTS" told the meeting that and I quote "statistics show that in the age group that would be living in Freeman House only 2.2% would have a car"
I seem to remember the words "cloud cuckoo land" being muttered somewhere in the room. The old addage - lies, more lies and statistics springs to mind. Once everyone has moved in I get a photograph for you all, to prove my point.
There is also the point that there are not enough parking spaces for residents so where are visitors going to park? in Inverness Close no doubt, and how long before a driver runs in to the bollards? and don't say it won't happen, just look at Bridge Street and there are big signs there.


camcraft said...

I am a relative of one of the new residents of Freeman House. My mother doesn't have a car but I do. I pick her up for shopping trips etc. as well as visiting. Parking can be tricky, especially so early evening when the car park is full to capacity. My mother is disabled and has a blue badge but it is not always possible to use the disabled bays when I return with her from shopping trips etc. it is usual that the 3 of the 4 allocated disabled spaces are full with cars that we are not 100% sure if are used by disabled persons as no blue badge is displayed, so more often than not I have to get my mum out of the car before parking into a non disabled space, I get her buggy out of the car, put it together then get my mother out of the car and then go off and find a space, if other cars parked either side of car not enough space to get my mother out in the non diabled spaces hence all of the above is necessary.

strider said...

I see that Hundred houses idea to involve Tenants with how things are run, is off to a good start. Where was the consideration towards 'Inverness Close tenants'? when they put up the bollards. What galls me most is the lack of feeling towards the residents in the bungalow's. What with noise, dust, and numerous holes dug in the road. (some holes left for week's and dug twice) HHS and the builders need to learn about PR. A bunch of flowers or box of choc's would have been something, although it is to late for some. HHS are not as caring and friendly as they where a few years ago. Thats why we keep being asked to fill in forms, on how well the Soceity is performing.
As for the Tenants Assoc. I never hear of them really argueing a point.
Would it have hurt them to have kept a closer eye on proceeding's and to have been in touch with the residents, while the building was going on?

camcraft said...

I wholly sympathise with what the residents of inverness close were put through. We had the same lack of consideration when the building work was going on in Fallowfield. Even though that the builders were careful to keep the mess to a minumum we still encountered lots of problems i.e with the hoarding collapsing numerous times because it was not secured correctly in the 1st instance. It caused a lot of bad feeling and anger towards the builders. The problems we encountered are too numerous to list, the worries for safety of the Fallowfield residents when the hording came down was not taken at all seriously, we were left with no other option other than go to the 'top' to complain to get safety and consideration improved.

strider said...

I hope that you can find a way to solve the parking problems at Freeman house but I doubt that you will get much help from HHS. It is possible that people do not display the blue badge overnight as it is worth a lot to a thief. Maybe a simple windscreen sticker would be the answer, as it could be issued to disabled tenants only. I would be interested to know how the 'traffic light bollard system' works.

camcraft said...

Strider said
"I would be interested to know how the 'traffic light bollard system' works"

Me too. Not sure when it is going to be up and running. HHS said it would not be working for a couple of weeks as thought it might hinder the moving in of the new tenants. Not sure how all residents of FH feel about the bollards, I think most would of preferred to have the seating in the gardens, seems the seating is now not going to be installed, not sure of reason why?

Strider said
"It is possible that people do not display the blue badge overnight as it is worth a lot to a thief. Maybe a simple windscreen sticker would be the answer, as it could be issued to disabled tenants only".

Good possibility you are right.

strider said...

Was the seating and Bollards offered as a choice?
As for the Disabled parking, I hope that HHS can solve any problems but I fear that they will not enforce it. The allocation of four spaces when you have Forty flats for over 55's only, seems to be a crazy figure. I notice that the builders have recently Tarmaced the area around FH, shame that they did not repair Tarmac walkway's in Inverness close that their vehicles damaged. On a happy note I have now found a way to make some extra cash. I will be Inviting people to come and see the Chesterton FH external lighting extraverganza.

strider said...

Hey Spooked,
You are probably gobsmacked seeing all these comments but where have you gone?

camcraft said...

Strider said
"I have now found a way to make some extra cash. I will be Inviting people to come and see the Chesterton FH external lighting extraverganza"

We have such lights in Fallowfield - maybe I should follow your lead in offering such a tour ;) The lights both in FH and Fallowfield shine straight directly into tenants bedrooms both of which seem to have been resolved with 'blackout' blinds.

Strider said
"Was the seating and Bollards offered as a choice?
As for the Disabled parking, I hope that HHS can solve any problems but I fear that they will not enforce it. The allocation of four spaces when you have Forty flats for over 55's only, seems to be a crazy figure."

Sadly, do not know the answer to the question with choice re: seating/bollards.
I have since discovered an extra disabled parking space tucked away at the end on the opposite side of the 4 disabled spaces. 3 out of the 5 spaces used by tenants are now displaying their badges.
I am always worrying I am going to block someone trying to get out/in to the car park so generally feel I have to hurry myself and mother along when disembarking my mum/buggy from shopping trips etc.

Strider said
"Hey Spooked,
You are probably gobsmacked seeing all these comments but where have you gone?"

I guess he's feeling pretty 'spooked' so has maybe had to go and have a lie down ;)

cambridgespooked said...

I am absolutely gobsmacked at all these comments. In all the years I have been doing this it is the most I have ever had!!!!
To cover a few of the points raised, parking should not be a problem>>>> residents in Inverness Close and nearby road were assured by an EXPERT that in the over 55's
age group figures show that only 2.2% have cars. Not sure which cloud he has been living on. She wo must be obeyed and I are both over 60 and we have a car each, so that blows his argument out of the water in one fell swoop. So much for experts.
To move on to the problem of none blue badge holders taking up spaces. Such is life in this selfish age, just take a look at any supermarket car park. I doubt if even half of the people parked in those bays are disabled and the ones that have got a badge on display have borrowed it from a friend!
As for tenant involvement, that is only because they (along with all other landlords) have been told to do it. But you can get involved with the "scrutiny panel" I think there is a mention of it on the website.
My few normal readers need not worry if this seems a little to serious for the old Spook, I will get back to my more normal stirring the proverbial pot next time round. Oh and by the way welcome to all my new readers.

Anonymous said...

Hi people, I have been busy trying to deliver some mail to FH, 2nd time that mail has been delivered to us and we are not the only ones getting their mail. Anyway if you do go to see someone at FH Take your ear defenders with you. (Very loud door entry system)
Also required is a sense of adventure as I found myself wandering around corridors where they all seemed to have toilet doors, and a sense of humour as every person that I met seemed to be visiting in some capacity or other. Not to mention the fact that I managed to walk straight in. (very wide open door)
On the plus side, it does seem to be a nice building, although I could not find any letter boxes. Even so I have now got to pounce on Postie and get rid of this stupid letter, which was addressed to FH but with our number and Inverness close as part of the address.
Not to mention that we have some of our mail well overdue, I wonder if.................

strider said...

I am tired but I am not Anonymous, honestly

camcraft said...

The mail boxes are in the 'front foyer' on the Elmfield side of the building. All the mail boxes are numbered. Hopefully this will help you in getting the FH mail to its correct recipient. The postie stopped my mum the other day asking if she knew where 'Freedom House' was? I guess this is either a typo error with the letter to its recipient at FH.
Must add that You are indeed a very kind soul taking FH mail over to its rightful recipient.

Just a note a caution when going into FH there has been a report from a tenant that a fox been seen and seems that a few of the new tenants were totally spooked by this and rang the council to report it, one even suggested the RSPCA be called!!!! I will add I politely said to the tenants that it is usual to see a fox and other wildlife and do not be unduly concerned.
Totally agree CambridgeSpooked' about the comment on blue badges. We too come across such selfishness all of the time.

strider said...

I am now fully awake and not clicking in the wrong places.

Freeman House is still throwing up a few suprises. After giving the Postie the letter, he promptly delivered two more along with another one from our elec. & gas supplier.
Our supplier where just letting us Know 'that they where sorry to see us leaving them for another supplier'. What the #!&@*/*&# is going on, remember I had these other letters as well. A phone call and some searching on the net solved the mystery, our like for like house number in FH had opened an account with another supplier who then promptly informed our supplier that we where changing our account. Now you might think yes 'easily corrected' Think again, as it now transpires that it is all the fault of Royal Mail, who even after giving FH it's own postcode, it is still their fault.
What a load of codswallop, why then have these letters got my postcode on them? Why was there no mention of FH on the address of the last two letters? So to the person at HHS who is blaming RM, please think before you speak.
Last but not least, there is a chance that we may lose our yearly bonus with our supplier.
Then I would be a very angry Strider.
Please be aware this could happen to you.

camcraft said...

Oh My Strider. You really are been put through the mill with the mail problems. I very much hope you can get it all sorted quickly and that you don't lose your yearly bonus.