22 December 2006

Don't say I didn't warn you

Increased taxes!
As I said once before, If our leaders seem to think that adding yet more money to our already overwhelming tax burdon is going to save the world. They are living in cloud cuckoo land. It would not be so bad if we actually believed the money will go towards saving the planet. Right minded people will have already worked it out, that the last thing it will be spent on is enviromental protection. It will end up being poured into the bottomless pit called the NHS. Again no problem if it were going into front line services, but it isn't, it to goes to supporting an ever growing admin with senior officers being paid far more than they will ever be really worth.
If they really want to save the planet, why not turn off the thousands of street lights on motorways and left on all night, what are headlights for?
I read an artical in the Scotsman newspaper last Tuesday while on a flying visit north of the border, on the of subject tax, and I quote "The government want to talk about tax, lets talk about the abolition of married couples allowance, increases in national insurance, increases in tax on fuel, increased council tax (and how), raiding pension funds and savings, (50 billion) and many other stealth taxes that would take up far to much space.
To quote a prime minister from many years ago "we have never had it so good" but now it would be"so bad"
Mind you become an MP and get a gold plated pension, so who cares about the peasants who have to pay for it, they don't.


Anonymous said...

Well, a little bit late I realise, but I'm astounded to say that I actually agree with you on something!

The tax burden is pretty bad and the treatment of pension funds has bee absolutely deplorable.

I do wonder how some of the Scandinavian countries cope with much higher taxes. I've heard conflicting accounts of the merits of this (much better public services v.s less entrepreneurship)

There are also suggestions that a flat rate of tax would work .

Regarding the issue of MP's pay - that's a tricky one. Obviously it seems suss when they get to vote themselves more money but there is a strong argument that if you want good people then you pay good money. The same is said of teachers - if you want the best graduates to do this vital job then you have to make it worth their while or they'll go and join big corporations who pay well.

Personally I beleive that there is more idealism in politics than we generally realise but the old axiom of power and corruption remains true as ever.

spook said...

I think its about time we all voted for our own pay rises!
And as for getting the best because thats what we pay for, yeh right.
Does that include "Johnny 2 Jags" sorry its 3 Jags now.And not even a portfolio great life if you can get it.