16 March 2006

My mission


My name is Spook. Well, that's not my real name. My real name is a secret.

My name is a secret because I don't really exist. I am an imaginery character, an observer of life. Specifically, an observer of life in Cambridge (UK). Even more specifically, I am a tenant of the Hundred Houses Society - a Cambridge-based social housing association.

My mission is simply to observe and report on the everyday issues of ordinary folk. The ordinary folk in this case are the tenants and residents of the Hundred Houses Society.

My objective is to establish an online presence for us folk, and hopefully to create a bit of an online community for us, and for anyone with an interest in life in Cambridge.

My (imaginery) life will be much easier and more fulfilling if other people join in. So - if you are a fellow tenant or resident of the Hundred House Society, or a Cambridge resident, or anyone at all with anything to say - please join in. Please comment, ask me questions, and contribute.

Keep checking back here, and keep in touch.


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