After the whinges of the last few enties a positive note.
I've got Blackbirds nesting in my garden,the daffs are in full bloom
and I have seen about 8 different species of birds on the feeders and bird table. One sour note was a rat decided to pay a visit! So just bear in mind when you put food out for the birds, try and keep it off the ground and up on a bird table. Make it difficult for the rats and if you see any get in touch with the council, not the HHS office they can't help.
Although it's a little way ahead there will be a lack of entries on the blog during late April and again at the end of May beginning of June. Mrs Spook and I are going to spirit ourselves away for a well earned break (well thats my excuse anyway).
There will be a reminder nearer the time but with all my thouseands of readers (?) I don't want you to be too disappointed.
You never know there may even be an entry from the Great Lakes and Niagra, if your really unlucky.
May the sun continue to shine and get dark at least once a day so the Spook can come out to play.