19 April 2010

Has anyone noticed?

Been busy out in the garden, fighting off alligators and bald eagles (look back through earlier entries if your interested), sorting out the pots and planting new stuff for this year.
Well every time I come in for a cupper or a bite to eat, the blackbirds are in the pots kicking all the new plants and compost back out again.
It could be that for the first time in years we don't have a cat, she never ever caught a bird but would sit and watch them for hours, while I watched her (just in case) well thats my excuse anyway. Hard work cat watching!
My saying for this week is
"If at first you don't succeed Destroy all evidence that you ever tried"
Works every time. Just don't tell the missus.

17 April 2010

I think I've missed something

I watched the big debate on ITV the other night. There were the resident members of "Have we got a suprise in store for you" brigade, (polititians in other words).
Two of them stand a realistic chance of forming the next government, the other one is hoping that the" Brown" one, will win so he can grab his bit of power by shareing the limelight.
All of a sudden all the "experts" are saying what a wonderful job he did on TV, he came across far better than the other two. Does no one realise that he can afford to be relaxed and at ease. HE'S GOT NOTHING TO LOSE!
But on the basis of a rigged TV show where only eight chosen people were allowed to ask pre-chosen questions. His party shoot to the "top of the charts" on the promises he made knowing he will never have to keep them, apart from using them as a lever to grab his bit of fame from the Brown one. (He would not join the other side cause most of his party are almost on the Brown side of the fence anyway).
Get real people, come back to the REAL world. We will get screwed, no matter which of the other two win.
If we are going to have TV debates just let the public loose on them, no pre-knowledge questions that the spin doctors can work out the answers to, before it ever gets broadcast. Just normal. ordinary people off the street. Then lets see who can really perform.

13 April 2010

While browsing around I found this.
As it's not very "PC" I'll hide it on here

06 April 2010

It's here, it's now, it's live

After minutes!!! of hard labour (I'm told) the all new Tenants website is up and running. For those of you who just can't wait here is the website address.


So how is that for (Hot) off the press information.

Judging by normal reactions....(nothing) you can put whatever you like!

To change the subject, global warming is throwing up some very strange things in my back garden. Couple of years ago we had alligators in the pond ( if you can't remember go back through the past entries). This year, a strange bird dropped in on it's way home!!! long haul flight, hope he's not using a well known airline.

As Freeman House nears completion, I have wondered if this is a housing society developement or millionairs row?

First of all we hear that there will be gates across the entrance, then rising bollards!
The story being given, is that it is and I quote "to keep out unwanted traffic". The only unwanted traffic has been all the construction traffic that the tenants in Inverness Close, were promised would enter the site via Elmfield Road.

This is just an example of the traffic congestion they have had to put up with, even having to sit in their cars for up to 10 minuets waiting for the drivers of the lorries to reluctantly move so they could get out of the close. Thank goodness there was not an emergency in the close where fire or ambulance had to get in.